If you live in Southern Ohio and looking for a landscape company to do spring cleaning call us.
We start out by going through every flower bed and prune and groom every plant/ bush that needs it. We then rake out each bed cleaning it up. Then we go through each flower bed and remove any unwanted grass and weeds.
Next we make a new edge on each bed then fertilize each flower/ shrub. Next we bring in the mulch and spread it on each flower bed.
If we was the one who installed your flower bed we would of added 3 inches of mulch at the beginning but on a regularly maintenance bed the spring maintenance will only get about 1 extra inch added.
Most landscapers will just keep piling on and on the mulch every year that’s why we found its best every couple years is to remove a lot of the mulch before adding new.
If you have a landscaper that adds to much mulch you will know because your sidewalks will be partially covered with mulch or you will see it outside the flower beds. New mulch is nice to look at but not if its piled up a couple of foot on your house. We have went to landscaping jobs that the basement windows was was half way covered up with mulch.